Many of you may know (and many more may not) that I've been preparing to perform at an open mic with my very good friend KatiRose. The date has finally been set for this, I thought I would make it public in case anyone wants to come out and see the spectacle. It will be Wednesday the 19th, the show starts at 8:30, but I don't know when we'll play. It all depends on where we get on the sign up sheet.
This is going to be a very short performance, only three songs. However, I'm doing a fair amount of singing, which I normally don't do, so it might be worth it just to hear my voice crack :) Luckily for me KatiRose has a GREAT voice.
This is going to be at the Hopvine pub on 15th and Republican ( ). The open mic nights are already their busiest night, even though they take place on a Wednesday. I have a feeling there will be an abnormally large crowd there for this performance, and they can only let so many people in because of fire codes and such, so it'll probably be a good idea to get there early or you might end up watching from the sidewalk. It should be a very good time!