Thoroughly Prepared

This is my last morning getting up for work in The Ragley apartment. I've loved living here, make no mistake, but I'm really looking forward to Wallingford for many reasons. It'll be the first dwelling that Laura and I get to make from scratch. It's going to be about half the rent of this place. And I'm ready for some new scenery and happy hour places. I'll be moving there with no debt of any kind, making this move the last step in preparing for living on social security.

I keep finding myself nervous about that transition. Like there's some detail I've left out, overlooked, or haven't accounted for that will make this plan come crashing down. I've tried to think as far ahead as possible, but you just never know. After the move is completed I'm going to start piecing the logistics together and gathering specific details. I feel like I need to prepare myself for this to possibly not work, so in the case that it actually doesn't, I don't end up crushed with disappointment. I'll just thoroughly prepare. Very, very thoroughly.