A Nice Chortle

A couple evenings ago Laura and l went to dinner with our good friends KatiRose and Yama at a little dive bar near our place called The Pacific Inn. It's a cute little place, the type of establishment that has a sturdy foundation of loyal regulars. They also have one of the best chicken Cesar salads I've ever had.

We were sitting there enjoying the warmth of friendly banter when a cheer erupted from the patrons at the bar. I directed my attention to the tv screens, wondering what team had just scored, and quickly realized the cheer was not inspired by a game. I followed the collective gaze of the folks at the bar, not to the tv broadcasting sports, but rather to the tv broadcasting a program familiar to all native Pacific northwesterners: Evening Magazine. They happened to be doing a piece featuring the Pacific Inn, specifically the fish and chips, which Laura was enjoying right at that moment. It was quite the "meta" experience, and we all had a good chortle because of it. Are you now having a nice little chortle if your own?